Internet Solutions Ratebook

Web based, multi-user, Telephone Management System with budget management and barring control

Moderators: Leon van Heerden, Luanda_Junzi, Belinda Frick, Lee Hendricks

Internet Solutions Ratebook

Postby JohanD » Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:56 pm

Dear Datatex Support, where can obtain a copy for the Internet Solutions Ratebook? IS have 4 ratetables.
a) Standard VCP rates
b) Variable Ratetable - option 1
c) Variable Ratetable - option 2
d) Global Rate table

Is it a downloadable ratetable that I can inport on my TNG?

Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:44 am

Re: Internet Solutions Ratebook

Postby Odette Danster » Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:07 pm

The TNG v1.1.1.8-3 update file includes the Telkom rates update of 20110801, aswell as the update of all the new service provider's prefixes. Please click on link below for update file:

What is the latest version of the TNG za_telkom rates?

    Required: Your TNG subscription must be up to date. TNG v1.1.1.8 was released 2012/04/05 and therefore your TNG subscription must expire after this date, else the update will not be allowed.
    If your subscription is not up to date and you try to upgrade, TNG will not allow the upgrade. Should you renew the TNG subscription (charges involved), your subscription expiry date will change and TNG will allow the update.

The prefixes for Internet Solutions (IS Rates) is included(the zone 'VL' is for Internet Solutions numbers), but you still need to configure the ratebook under 'Custom Rates'. Click on link below to see default zones:

Zones to use for TNG and Custom rates

We've added a feature where you can configure a default custom rate. All zones not specified in your custom ratebook will then be costed at the default rate.

Please Note: When using the Custom Rate feature, only the zones specified in your custom ratebook will be costed. Zones that are not configured will not have a cost.

With the new version, custom rates includes a default rate that will cater for zones that are not added/configured when the custom ratebook was created. Please click on link below:

Re: Zones to use for TNG and Custom rates
Odette Danster
Posts: 126
Joined: Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:01 pm

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