TNG - Botswana Rates Information 22062020

Web based, multi-user, Telephone Management System with budget management and barring control

Moderators: Leon van Heerden, Luanda_Junzi, Belinda Frick, Lee Hendricks

TNG - Botswana Rates Information 22062020

Postby annam » Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:46 am

I a requesting for a sample custom table, in order to setup rates for a client, Landrover Botswana. I would like to appreciate how the following are considered - Peak and Off-peak hours, Holidays, Cross Network charges etc. Please see the Rate information attached.
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Re: TNG - Botswana Rates Information 22062020

Postby Belinda Frick » Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:29 am

Dear Anna

TNG has Botswana rates.
Re: TNG incorrect referencing on destinations

If the rate is incorrect you can use custom rates to fix the rate per prefix.

Custom rates can be configured as per post:
TNG - Simple Custom Rate
Belinda Frick
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Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

Re: TNG - Botswana Rates Information 22062020

Postby Belinda Frick » Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:47 am

Dear Anna

RE telephone conversation.

TNG is now costing Botswana rates,
but does not have the new prefixes.
You need to configure these prefixes as a custom rate - please see custom rates configuration:
TNG - Simple Custom Rate

  1. Save the latest Windows dll (as per link : TNG - Simple Custom Rate)
    NOTE: Replace the existing 'all_custom_simple.dll'.
  2. Make a copy of the 'all_custom_simple.dll' and
    rename it to the custom ratebook name you are creating,
    for example Botswana_2020.dll
  3. Create a new text file with the same name and prefix of ini,
    in this example Botswana_2020.ini
    NOTE: Your default ratebook(RATE) in the ini must be configured as the Botwana rates TNG was installed with:
    20200715-TNG-Trunk-default rate.png

    Code: Select all
    DAILCODE=Rate Unit, Cost per Unit, Minimum Cost, Rate Type, Rate Description
    NOTE: For RATE entry see 'Default Ratebook' on Trunk configuration page.
  4. Once configuration completed select the new ratebook under Trunk Configuration and APPLY.
  5. Make a test call to one of the custom rate prefixes.
    NOTE: Only calls made after custom rate book installed will cost a custom rates.
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Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
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