Overview:TNG does not auto update extensions and trunks by default. It is manually added under 'Configure Extensions' and 'Trunk Configuration'.
TNG does have the option to auto update extensions and extension names, but this is PABX dependant.
If the PABX does not provide user names for extensions in the rawdata you cannot use this option.To use the option it must be enabled(manual process) - refer to topic
Can my user names for extensions be auto updated to TNG?Please check that this is not enabled.
Solution:It looks like your files has been corrupted.
The only way to fix it is to 'blank' the files. NOTE: You will need to add the extensions and trunks again.
- Stop the TNG service under Administrative Tools.
How do I stop/start the TNG service in Windows? - Navigate to the TNG data folder:
C:\Program Files\datatex\tng\data - Create a backup folder, name it for example todays date:
C:\Program Files\datatex\tng\data\20130604 - Move (Cut and Paste) the follow files to the backup folder:
tngtrunks.dat - Start the TNG service.
How do I stop/start the TNG service in Windows? - Once the service display shows started up, please log into TNG.
- You will need to add:
- the extension names (on the extension configuration page or import the extension list) and
- trunks with the required ratebooks again(on the trunk line configuration page).
If you use one ratebook, you do not need to add the trunk ranges - just select the default ratebook.