TNG USB buffer drivers for WINDOWS 8 and 64-bit

Web based, multi-user, Telephone Management System with budget management and barring control

Moderators: Leon van Heerden, Luanda_Junzi, Belinda Frick, Lee Hendricks

TNG USB buffer drivers for WINDOWS 8 and 64-bit

Postby John Richard Procter » Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:28 pm

Find below the TNG USB buffer drivers for use with Windows 8 64-bit .

NOTE: Your TNG USB buffer requires programming for Windows authentication to allow install of drivers. Refer to TNG USB Buffer on Windows 8 and newer

Unrar, the password is 'datatex123':
Windows 8 Drivers.rar

NOTE: to have access to the attachment, you need to be registered and logged in.

Install procedure:

  • Unrar the drivers and save on TNG PC.
  • Unplug the USB buffer cable and re-connect:
    • if no drivers installed it will give message that new hardware was detected. Use the option to browse to where you extracted the 64-Bit drivers (do no user Windows default drivers) and install.
      If installed correct it will list the buffer in Device Manager under Universal Serial Buscontrollers and Ports (as comport). The drivers converts the USB port to a COMP port.
    • If no popup for new hardware go to Device Manager and uninstall the USB buffer drivers. Once buffer drivers listed for USB and COM ports, please install as described above.

Also see: My TNG buffer is not being detected
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John Richard Procter
Posts: 552
Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 2:02 pm

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