How does TNGMitelBuffer get the Console's SMDR

Moderators: Leon van Heerden, Luanda_Junzi, Belinda Frick, Lee Hendricks

How does TNGMitelBuffer get the Console's SMDR

Postby Leon van Heerden » Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:37 pm

The TNGMitelBuffer is used to gather the SMDR from the PBX for the Consoles and uses AmtMitel to gather the rest of the extension details.

This is a facility that is used in conjunction with Amethyst to gather data for TNG.

The application has a configuration INI file that contains the PBX IP and port for SMDR and the AmtMitel location.
Code: Select all
; location of the Amethyst Event Manager

;IP address of the MITEl ICP
; Default MItel SMDR port

;AmtMitel localtion. Usually on Amethyst Server's IP

;the extension number values for the switchboard, followed by the description that you want to see in the SMDR.

If you don't have the correct plugin you will receive and error in the log at startup:
Code: Select all
Error loading Mitel shared library: /opt/datatex/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The Linux version of the current Mitel plugin should be in /opt/datatex/lib.

The AmtMitel site can continue without the SMDR interface, but no Console information will then be available.
Leon van Heerden
Posts: 332
Joined: Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:21 am
Location: Cape Town

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