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How do I add/configure department heads in TNG?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:00 pm
by Belinda Frick
Department Head configuration page.

This page will be used to add, maintain and edit the accounts belonging to your department heads.
They can be setup to have restricted or unrestricted access.


How do I add a department head?

    A maximum number of 10 department heads can be configured.

    To begin simply click below the section titled 'New department head details'.
    Department Heads can only view calls and generate reports on departments they have access to.
    Select the department you wish to give the person access to from the drop down menu (you may select multiple departments).

    Alternatively click on ALL DEPARTMENTS to grant access to all departments.
    The tick icon must be clicked after a department has been selected in order to save it to the list.

    Enter a name and password for the department head in the fields provided, this user name and password will be used by that person to login to TNG.

Access Level

    In the section called 'department head access level' you may select either restricted or unrestricted access for this person.
    • Restricted access means that a department head can not add or edit any users or extensions.
    • Unrestricted access allows the department head permission to add, delete or modify extensions and user details.
    The department head can not add a new department, it can only select a department from the list.
    To add new departments you must be logged in as the admin user.
    Remember to click on 'Apply changes' after each department head has been added.
How do I remove a department head form TNG?

    You may remove an existing department head account from TNG and add another one in its place. On the same page you will notice an icon that resembles a trash can next to each supervisor account. To delete an account, click on this icon next to the appropriate department head. After clicking on the icon, you will receive a pop up message on your screen asking whether you are sure you want to proceed with deleting the account, if you are sure click 'OK' to this message. Please remember to click on the 'Apply changes' button, above each section to save your settings.

    Please note that if a Department Head is logged in you cannot remove it or modify settings for that Department Head and also that if the administrator is busy configuring department heads, department heads trying to log into TNG will not be able to.

Please find a detailed TNG installation and user’s guide in the help folder on your TNG CD.