How do I play my recording on another PC

Moderators: Leon van Heerden, Luanda_Junzi

How do I play my recording on another PC

Postby John Richard Procter » Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:29 pm

How do I play my recording on another PC if I do not have e-mail to send it?

The only option to send a recording to another PC is via e-mail.
Currently there is no "save as" option available in ONYX.

To save the file, try the following:
  1. Open ONYX.
  2. Search for your recording
  3. Open the recording.
  4. Next to "when" there is a date, for example 2005-05-09,
  5. Open My Computer, navigate to the following folder:
    C:\Program Files\Datatex\Onyx\Data\
  6. In the Data folder look for a folder with your recodings
    date as the folder name, in this example "20050509".
  7. Select the "sound" folder.
  8. Your full file path is:
    C:\Program Files\Datatex\Onyx\Data\20050509\sound
    Inside this folder there will be only one "wav" file,
    which is the recording you opened. Save this file.
You can use Media player to listen to the file on another PC.
John Richard Procter
Posts: 552
Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 2:02 pm

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