ONYX2 and call termination

Moderators: Leon van Heerden, Luanda_Junzi

ONYX2 and call termination

Postby Belinda Frick » Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:52 pm

ONYX2 is a standalone voice recorder for use of an individual person making calls and recording it on their PC/Laptop.

  • A recording will only start if trigger configured is met. Trigger is configured using the TEACH function to set the VAD value (Voice Activation Detection). The VAD value will be used to determine when a recording must start(trigger) and stop(terminate) recording.

    To configure VAD value please see forum post:
    How do I teach USBClient 1.6 / ONYX2?

  • The recording will terminate after 13 seconds of 'silence' time. Silence time is at a level less than the VAD value.

    NOTE: The 13 seconds setting cannot be configured. If another call is made/received within the 13 seconds, you will have a continuous recording with more than one conversation.

  • After silence time, ONYX will go into wrap-up mode to allow you to enter notes (e.g. details regarding the call). The value is entered in seconds. You need to start typing the notes with-in this set time, before it will start the wrap-up process. When in wrap-up mode the recording has terminated and the next recording can start, even while busy typing your notes for the previous recording.

    To set your 'Wrapup Time' mode:
    • Right-click on the blue headset icon (botton right-hand side of screen next to the time)
    • Select 'Show'.
    • Click on the 'Settings' icon
    • In the top left-hand section (ONYX Settings) enter the value in seconds next to 'Wrapup Time':

      onyx2-wrapup Time.jpg

      NOTE: 'Wrapup Time' setting will not influence your 'Silence time' or 'Call Termination'.


    Call Termination is determined by 13 seconds silence time. A recording will only be terminated if this is met. This cannot be configured.

    NOTE: If you place a call on hold and there is silence time of 13 seconds the recording will also terminate. When you start speaking again, the next recording will start. You will have multiple recordings for your one conversation.

Also see: Where do I find the ONYX manual?

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Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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