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Installing Datatex TAPI Antifreeze\TAF

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:30 pm
by Therlow
Extract taf.exe and TAPIex.exe to
c:\program files\datatex\taf

Open up a command prompt window by clicking on start then run or "windows key"+ r
type cd c:\program files\datatex\taf\

TAPIex.exe E
press enter till done.
TAPIex.exe D
press enter

The message should show that it is now set to exclusive mode.

now type
sc create TAPIantifreeze binpath=(spacebar between)"c:\program files\datatex\taf\taf.exe" displayname=(spacebar between)"Datatex TAPI andtifreeze service"
press enter

It should show that the service was successfully added.

type services.msc
go to TAPIantifreeze and right click properties.
tick allow to interact with desktop. NB - otherwise it will not work.

After this is done then adjust the taf.ini as per example in the taf.ini.
Then start the service and it will then monitor the services and executable configured.