Ruby shows 131000 or more calls.

Moderators: Leon van Heerden, Luanda_Junzi, Belinda Frick, Lee Hendricks

Ruby shows 131000 or more calls.

Postby Leon van Heerden » Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:54 am

Ruby 2 uses ACD information from the LG and Samsung PBXs. These ACD strings contains the amount of Calls, unanswered and abandoned calls accumulated per reporting interval. The interval The interval is usually configured to 10 seconds for use with Ruby.

This is what some example data looks like.
Code: Select all

On the first line you can see the Group and then the Number of calls followed by the amount of unanswered calls. Ruby works out the difference between the values every-time it receives the next intervals' data and then reports on that. We have seen the value jump to the max value possible and then back to 0 in some very rare cases. The Max value is 65535. Ruby then works out the difference and sees that that the number of calls from the previous interval is 65535 and reports on this. the value can't go any higher and will then stay on 65535 until it is reset. When the value is reset, it goes back down to 0. Now the difference is 65535 again. This value is added to the number of calls and that is 131070 now.

  • Make sure that you try and reset these values on a regular bases that it doesn't get to 65535. You should be able to configure the PBX to reset it on a daily bases automatically or even after each reported interval.
  • If this problem does occur, you can remove 131070 from your total to get the actual value.
Leon van Heerden
Leon van Heerden
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Joined: Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:21 am
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