These calls are made from Extension to Extension, but the
called Extension is now the phone number dialed.
In TOPAZ -> DATA -> NUMBERS Enter the description you
want to display in the Destination column on the TOPAZ
report into the Person field.
If there are no PERSON / COMPANY / GROUP associated
with the NUMBER, then TOPAZ displays the closest
telephone exchange as the Destination.
Therefore if there are no PERSON names linked to the phone
number, TOPAZ will check in the COMPANY field for the description.
If there is no value for the company name, the GROUP field is
checked. Then lastly if no GROUP the Exchange Description
will be used.
How do I setup the Numbers to reflect the Person/Company/Group?:
In TOPAZ go to DATA -> NUMBERS enter the description you require.
If you have a large number of extensions, use the import fascility
to import your Extension numbers as telephone numbers with these
descriptions as destination,
ALSO SEE: How to import telephone numbers into Topaz.
Please Note:
From the moment the changes has been made on the Destination, the calls
will reflect the changes. Any historical data can be updated by clicking on
"Update TRX".
All the PERSON / COMPANY fields that were blank will be update with
your new value since the date you choose for "Update TRX" File.