- Download the Bde.exe from the internet:
try the internet for BDE install version 5.1.1(http://www.google.co.za)
Go to the BDE 5.1.1 section and download
"BDE 5.11 MSI Merge Module English Enterprise version (9,580,163 bytes)" - TOPAZ CD: "BDE" folder
- Download the Bde.exe from the internet:
- PC name of the Master TOPAZ.
- Share name of the Datatex folder on the Master TOPAZ.
- Network access from Client to Master TOPAZ
- Datatex folder shared on the network,
allow network users to make changes.
Steps to follow:
- Share the TOPAZ folder (Full access to all valid user's)
- Change the datapath in the TOPAZ.ini file to \\pcname\topaz\data\
- Delete all current shortcuts of TOPAZ (Desktop and startup)
- Install the BDE from the TOPAZ CD onto the PC
- open network neighbourhood (\\pcname\topaz\)
Right click on TOPAZ.exe and send to desktop as shortcut.
You now have a client version of TOPAZ!