Download the Bde.exe from the internet:
from our website (service partners and dealers only).
[www.datatex.co.za -> logon -> 3rd-Party -> Database -> BDE]
or try the internet for BDE install version 5.1.1
Go to the BDE 5.1.1 section and download
"BDE 5.11 MSI Merge Module English Enterprise version (9,580,163 bytes)"
TOPAZ CD: "BDE" folder - PC name of the Master TOPAZ.
- Share name of the Datatex folder on the Master TOPAZ.
- Network access from Client to Master TOPAZ
- Datatex folder shared on the network,
allow network users to make changes.
- For network use:
we need to change the Master TOPAZ to use the PCName and share name instead of C:\Program Files\Datatex\Topaz, which points to a PC's local drive.
The Datatex folder must be fully shared over the network and allow network users to make changes to the folder and the Windows user on the Client TOPAZ must have full access in Windows to the Datatex folder.
Once this is set up, the same shortcut can be used from the Client TOPAZ to access the Master TOPAZ.
We need to install BDE on the Client TOPAZ as database engine.
Remote installation of Topaz
The default folder for the Topaz installation is
"C:\Program Files\Datatex\Topaz" on new installations, and
"C:\Program Files\Datatex\Topaz Phone Management" on older
installations. In this document, I will call this the "Topaz folder".
In the Topaz folder is a "Data" folder, hereafter referred to as the
"Data folder".
On the Master Topaz:
- To simply sharing of the topaz folder for the Windows users:
In My Computer select 'Tools', then 'Folder Options', click on the 'View' tab and
under the 'Advanced Settings' section tick 'Use simply file sharing (recommended)'. - You need to share the Topaz folder, with full access:
Right-click on the Topaz folder, choose sharing and security:
share my folder on the network.
allow network users to change my files.
In Windows XP and 2000:
The Windows user on the Client TOPAZ PC must have full
control of the Datatex folder on the Master TOPAZ PC.
This needs to be setup on the Master TOPAZ PC.
ALSO SEE: Access rights under XP and 2000 to run TOPAZ.
(We assume it is shared as "Topaz", and the PC is called "TopazPC".) - To get the PC name, right-click on the "Network Neighborhood" Icon and select Properties. Now click on the "Identification" tab at the top of the window. You can see the computer name here.
- On the PC on which Topaz is installed (the master Topaz),
change the Topaz shortcut to use the share instead of the local drive,
and the PC name instead of the local drive, for network use. - Go to C:\Program Files\Datatex\Topaz and open Topaz.INI.
Change the Datapath to \\TopazPC\Topaz\Data and Save it.
Change Shortcut to point to network path:
In this example
TopazPc is the PC name
Topaz is the sharename
Right-click on the shortcut and select properties, then click on the
"Shortcut" tab at the top of the screen.
Now change the target to use the network location:
target : \\TopazPC\Topaz\Topaz.exe
If you use spaces as part of the file path, it must be in double quotes.
If you paste the exe path into START->RUN, it must open TOPAZ,
else the path is incorrect.
Change the "Start In" to:
Click on Apply. If you have the correct paths set, there should be no
Click on the "General" Tab. Tick the "ReadOnly" box and click on Apply
Now you can close this window.
Or Create new shortcut:
Windows XP:
Check if the PC name is on the network:
START -> NETWORK PLACES -> Entire Network ->Microsoft Windows Network..
Double-click on the PC name.
If the Datatex folder was shared, it will be displayed as "Topaz",
double-click on the folder. Now it will display a "topaz" folder.
Double-click on "topaz" folder.
Now it will display a "topaz.exe" folder.
Double-click on "topaz.exe". TOPAZ should now open.
Close TOPAZ. Right-click on the "topaz.exe",
click on create shortcut.
Right-click on the shortcut, make sure the target uses the
PC name and the share name, if so, send shortcut to desktop.
- Now go to the Topaz directory, close TOPAZ and open Topaz.ini.
Change the DataPath to \\TopazPC\Topaz\Data and save the changes. - Close the TOPAZ.ini file. Open the TOPAZ Master.
Please test the modified shortcut on the TOPAZ Master.
Once this is working proceed with the Client TOPAZ! - Make sure that there are no shortcuts that still point to the Local Drive:
Copy the shortcut that you have just modified, on your Master TOPAZ
to your Topaz Folder on that PC
and also to your start menu on your Master TOPAZ.
ALSO SEE: The TOPAZ shortcut points to server,
but topaz opens from C:\Program Files\...
On the client PC:
- Install the BDE (Borland Database Engine) from the CD.
In Windows XP and 2000:
The Windows user must have rights to install software.
Now access the TopazPC over the network. Open the Topaz
folder that was shared there.
In Windows XP and 2000:
The Windows user on the Client TOPAZ PC must have full
control of the Datatex folder on the Master TOPAZ PC.
ALSO SEE: Access rights under XP and 2000 to run TOPAZ.
Now copy the shortcut from this folder to the client PC.
You should be able to run Topaz on the client PC now.
- - (Replace "TopazPC" with your computer's Name.)
Also See: Network error while starting Client Topaz.