The action types in TOPAZ/TNG/Plugins depend on the actions (call data) that the PABX unit sends off.
Not all actions are supported by all PBXs.
Here is a list of actions that a plugin can handle, depending on the PABX unit:
OutgoingNormal := 'O_NORMAL';
This is a standard outgoing call.
OutgoingUnanswered := 'O_UNANSWER';
If the PBX can report outgoing Unanswered calls, this is the actions used. Usually this is also a 0 duration call with a ring time.
OutgoingDISA := 'O_OUTDISA';
Some PBXs report direct incoming calls to an extensions with DISA. This would be a call that was redirected out to another PBX/Trunk/number once it came in on a DISA device.
OutgoingInternal := 'O_INTERNAL';
This would be an internal call that was made to another extension/PBX. Usually this call will have LINE or INTERNAL as the trunk value.
OutgoingForward := 'O_FORWARD';
An extension can be configured to forward a call to another extension/number. This will be the action that the PBX reports. Some PBXs will also report this action if the call is forwarded to another PBX.
OutgoingTransfered := 'O_TRANSFER';
This is the action that the PBX uses when a call is manually transferred from one extension to another.
OutgoingTransferedUnanswered := 'O_UNANTRAN';
Very few PBXs report this action; When a call is transferred to another extension and is unanswered there.
OutgoingNoAccount := 'O_NO_ACCNT';
Some PBX report an error if no account code was used to try and make an out going call.
OutgoingBarred := 'O_BARRED';
If the extension was barred from dialling a number, this action could come through.
BusyFieldLamp := 'BUSY';
If the extension is busy and a call thries to go through, this could be received.
OutgoingUnknown := 'O_UNKNOWN';
If the action was not known, this could be generated.
OutGoingHold := 'O_HOLD';
If the call was placed on hold some PBXs will report this.
IncomingUnanswered := 'I_UNANSWER';
Incoming Unaswered call.
IncomingNormal := 'I_ANSWERED';
Normal incoming call.
IncomingTransfered := 'I_TRANSFER';
Incoming transferred call.
IncomingTransferUnanswered := 'I_UNANTRAN';
when a call comes in and is then transferred to another extension.
IncomingDISA := 'I_INDISA';
Direct DDI/DID/DISA incoming call.
IncomingInternal := 'I_INTERNAL';
Incoming internal call from another extension
IncomingInternalUnanswered := 'I_UNANINT';
If an internal incoming call was not answered.
IncomingUnknown := 'I_UNKNOWN';
The PBX didn't give an action that we cater for, but we know the call was incoming.
IncomingError := 'I_ERROR';
If the PBX encountered an error while handling an incoming call.
IncomingCallerHangup := 'I_CALLHANG';
The incoming call was dropped by the person phoning in. This will usually be an I_ANSWERED call
IncomingTransferCallerHangup := 'I_TRANHANG';
IncomingLost := 'I_LOST'; //Lucent Index
IncomingQueued := 'I_QUEUE';
IncomingHold := 'I_HOLD';
IncomingForward := 'I_FORWARD';
Unknown := 'I_UNKNOWN'