Where do I enter billing details to print on a invoice?

Moderator: Luanda_Junzi

Where do I enter billing details to print on a invoice?

Postby Belinda Frick » Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:03 pm


In TOPAZ you can pull an invoice under Master Billings and/or Hotel and Guest House.
Master Billings has a mark-up option and you pull reports per day. Hotel and Guest House
Also have the mark-up option, but you can select a date and time to book the client in and out for billing purposes.

The invoice has 3 address blocks:

Company Details
Top right hand corner, the Company Physical address details.
This address is updated from SETUP -> COMPANY DETAILS, under 'Street Address'.

Under company details, the Company P.O.Box.
This address is updated from SETUP -> COMPANY DETAILS, under 'Postal Address'.

Client Billing Details
On the Left hand, the 'Billing Details' of the client.
This address is updated for
Master Billing
Hotel & Guest Houses
under BILLINGS -> Hotel & Guest Houses, under 'Name' and 'Address'.


(a)Invoice Address: Setup:
Go to TOPAZ click on data and then on extensions
In extension you will see a section for billing information click in the section and enter all the details.
This information will show on the invoice when you view it in billings.

(b)Invoice Settings:
Click on Billings and click on 'Master Billings'.
In the Generate Billings section tick extensions\user etc.
Also check the dates from when you want the invoice to be.
Setup the other options for Who, Where exceeding, Price/Cost, Call types.
You must tick Include incoming calls and Use destination.
Click on view to see the information on the invoice.
When you use the where billings is set option make sure that it is ticked under data/ extensions or accounts.
Data - extensions- tick the billing section.

ALSO SEE: How do I setup billings in TOPAZ?

2. Hotel and Guest house:

(a)Invoice Address: Setup:
Go to billings and then hotel and guest houses.
In the drop down section you can enter a location.
Then you can enter the client's details and click save.

(b)Invoice Settings:
Click on billings and 'Hotel and Guest houses'.

To invoice the client, select the 'location' from the drop-down. Next to 'extension' and
'location' the information is displayed as setup under DATA -> EXTENSIONS (will be displayed in blue).
Now add the 'client name' and 'address'. Click on the 'Save' button.
You can do the book in and out at any time before printing the invoice.

Once the client is selected, you can to draw the invoice for room occupation time.
Click the book-in button. Also check the date and time before you book the client in.
Click the book-out button. Also check the date and time before you book the client out.

You will be able to check and view all calls made from that extension in the time period specified.
Click on 'Show cost to date'. This will display the invoice. You can print the invoice
by clicking on the printer icon.

3. Where does the addresses display?

Company Details
The address with the company details will appear on the right hand side of the invoice.
The postal and street address is displayed.

Client Details
The address with the client details will appear on the left hand side of the invoice.
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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