PABX3 plugin: Swift multi line

Moderator: Luanda_Junzi

PABX3 plugin: Swift multi line

Postby Belinda Frick » Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:35 am

This plugin was written for Swift PABX.

See sample of rawdata below for output format.

Please use plugin, 'PSwift.dll'. Version '2007.7.3.3' or newer.

On the internet, ->
Support -> logon -> topaz -> downloads -> swift.
The 'plg-swift-update-2007_7_3_3.exe' will extract the dll file
in the lib folder.
On the TOPAZ CD (version or newer) in the folder
PABX3 -> PROFILES -> LIB. The PSwift.dll needs to be copied to
C:\Program Files\Datatex\Pabx3\Profiles\Lib.
Sample of rawdata:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

364 User 364 404 607 03 09/10/2003 15:11 00:01 00:01:02
0 0,00

361 User 361 405 606 13 09/10/2003 15:08 00:08 00:04:21
0 0,00 0116959000

361 User 361 406 609 13 09/10/2003 15:13 00:04 00:00:07
0 0,00 1026

361 User 361 407 610 13 09/10/2003 15:13 00:04 00:00:09
0 0,00 1026

361 User 361 401 611 13 09/10/2003 15:14 00:08 00:00:18
0 0,00 02198

364 User 364 405 608 04 09/10/2003 15:13 00:08 00:02:24
0 0,00

361 User 361 406 614 15 09/10/2003 15:15 00:10 00:00:00
0 0,00

349 Bahieya 409 8808 13 29/06/2007 12:15 00:03 00:00:23
0 0,00 0723699008

349 Bahieya 401 8810 13 29/06/2007 12:17 00:03 00:00:00
0 0,00 086111

305 Reception 404 8812 03 29/06/2007 12:19 00:04 00:00:31
0 0,00

361 Liezel 405 8813 13 29/06/2007 12:19 00:05 00:00:09
0 0,00 101999

4500 Attendant 401 8815 05 29/06/2007 12:21 00:45 00:00:00
0 0,00

349 Bahieya 402 8811 13 29/06/2007 12:17 00:06 00:04:42
0 0,00 0861114351

305 Reception 407 8814 03 29/06/2007 12:21 00:09 00:01:44
0 0,00

305 Reception 401 8816 03 29/06/2007 12:23 00:21 00:00:39
0 0,00

Action codes:

This plugin only has action codes for:
answered calls on incoming and outgoing
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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