Which plugin do I use for the Siemens 118 compressed PABX?

Moderator: Luanda_Junzi

Which plugin do I use for the Siemens 118 compressed PABX?

Postby Belinda Frick » Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:36 am

Use the Siemens 100e plugin, plg-siemens100e-update-2007_7_12_2.exe or newer.

Released: 12 July 2007.

The account code will now also be extracted from the rawdata, position
70 for the next 11 characters.
Previously only incoming answered and outgoing answered was a call action .
Provision is now also made for incoming and outgoing transferred as a call action.

1,3,7 = Incoming answered
2,4,8,9 = Outgoing answered
5 = incoming transferred
6 = outgoing transferred

History of plugin:

This plugin works with Software version 2.0.2.

Sample of rawdata:

hh:mm:ss EXT RING Telephone Call Action
DD.MM.YY LINE HH:MM:SS(duration)

04.07.0715:54:07 1 12 00:00:100827897593 2
04.07.0715:55:05 1 900:24 1
04.07.0715:56:39 1 900:2000:00:18 1
04.07.0715:57:40 4 900:1500:00:26 1
04.07.0715:58:12 4 12 00:00:31 5 9
04.07.0716:00:05 4 1200:0300:01:08 1
04.07.0716:03:58 1 11 00:05:180822570561 2
04.07.0716:04:04 4 9 00:01:510219491789 2
04.07.0716:05:57 1 900:0100:00:10 1

Output configuration for sample data provided:

Please contact your PABX dealer to configure the output as required by this plugin.
Herewith settings required:

The PABX must be set to compressed format.
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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