To write the PABX3 plugin we need the following information about:
the PABX unit,
call data fields,
variances in call data fields and also
rawdata with test calls for the call action types.
The more complete the information is supplied, the quicker and
more accurate the plugin will be written.
Information about the PABX unit:
PABX Brand [__________________________________________________________]
PABX Model [__________________________________________________________]
Software version [__________________________________________________________]
Software release [__________________________________________________________]
Use the latest rawdata file("C:\Program Files\Datatex\PABX3\Rawdata\") created
by the PABX3 program to complete the information requested below:
PABX call data output field position identification (incoming call):
Fieldname Line Start Length Applicable
Date [ ] [ ] [ ] Format [ ], example [ddmmyy]
Time [ ] [ ] [ ] Format [ ], example [hh:mm:ss]
Extension [ ] [ ] [ ]
Number [ ] [ ] [ ]
Incoming [ ] [ ] [ ] Call Direction indication
Pin / Auth. Code [ ] [ ] [ ] [] Tick if applicable
Account Code [ ] [ ] [ ] [] Tick if applicable
*Call Duration: HH [ ] [ ] [ ] [] Tick if applicable
*Call Duration: MM [ ] [ ] [ ] [] Tick if applicable
*Call Duration: SS [ ] [ ] [ ] [] Tick if applicable
*Total Duration seconds[ ] [ ] [ ] [] Tick if applicable
Line/Carrier/Trunk [ ] [ ] [ ] The line the call was made/received
Action [ ] [ ] [ ] Action type related to the call
*Pulses (Meter Pulse) [ ] [ ] [ ] [] Tick if applicable
Ringtime [ ] [ ] [ ] Ringtime in seconds
Reference [ ] [ ] [ ] [] For use in RUBY
DID [ ] [ ] [ ] [] For use in RUBY
Group [ ] [ ] [ ] [] For use in RUBY
Under the "Line" column, enter the call data line per call made
(some PABX units gives off multiple lines per call).
Under the "Start" column, enter the first posision of the field.
Under the "Length" column, enter the possible length of the field.
PABX call data output field position variances:
Fieldname Variances
Extension [] Swap with Line on Outgoing
[] Swap with Number on Outgoing
Number [] Swap with Line on Outgoing
[] Swap with Extension on Outgoing
Line/Carrier [] Swap with Extension on Outgoing
[] Swap with Number on Outgoing
Tick the variance option for each fieldname.
If the tick box is not ticked, no swop will be done on outgoing calls
for that fieldname and option.
Rawdata file created by PABX3:
Action types for calls: Outgoing:
ACTION Description Identifier O_NORMAL Outgoing normal [_________] O_UNANTRAN Outgoing unanswered [_________] O_OUTDISA Outgoing DISA [_________] O_INTERNAL Outgoing internal [_________] O_FORWARD Outgoing forward [_________] O_TRANSFER Outgoing transferred [_________] O_UNANTRAN Outgoing transferred unanswered [_________]
Action types for calls: Incoming:
ACTION Description Identifier I_UNANSWER Incoming unanswered [_________] I_ANSWERED Incoming normal [_________] I_TRANSFER Incoming transferred [_________] I_UNANTRAN Incoming transferred unanswered [_________] I_INDISA Incoming DISA [_________] I_INTERNAL Incoming internal [_________] I_INTERNAL Incoming internal unanswered [_________]
Please supply call data string created with PABX3 (output to
the rawdata file), for the above call actions, stating the
the date
and time
the extension the call is made from / call received at
the telephone number /extension the call is made to
for each test call.
Account codes used for outgoing calls.
Please note that if you make the test calls from the switch-
board, also make the same test calls from an extension. If you have
ACD groups, make the test calls from the extension when logged into
the ACD groups and when logged out of the ACD group.
Additional information:
Please supply the following to help us verify if the plugin is
translating the call data string from your PABX unit correct:
List of extension numbers
List of ACD group numbers
List of ACD extension
List of account numbers
List of line numbers