Methods to reset the budget:
Per User:
[DATA -> USER], Find the user,
Enter the "Budget Available" to match the "Budget Amount".
click on "Reset Bar Level" button.
This needs to be done manually for each user.
click on "Reset All".
This will reset all the budgets.
TOPAZ version:
Account Codes: TOPAZ or newer.
Please upgrade if you are running an earlier version.
Try the following in the sequence stated:
The budget amount is stored on the USER table. The user needs to
be configure with the correct EXTENSION / ACCOUNT code.
Verify this under [DATA -> ACCOUNTS / EXTENSIONS].
If this link is incorrect the budget cannot be updated.
If the USER has a "budget amount" of zero, it will be ignored.
Verify this under [DATA -> USERS].
Re-index the:
USER.DB file and
depending on your barring option.
ALSO SEE: How do I re-index a file?
If you had for example a power failure, re-index all the database files.
ALSO SEE: How do I rebuild my data folder?
Make a test call from for the user in question and check that:
the correct extension/account codes is show under ENQUIRIES for
that call and
the budget amount is updated.
Verify this under [DATA -> USERS].
If the incorrect extension/account code is show, it can be:
corrupt data from the pabx unit, check in the rawdata file
incorrect translation of the call data by the plugin used.