In ONYXplus:
Click on the "Licence" tab.
Go to the "Print Request" section.
Type in the number of channels you want to license.
Enter in the company information.
Click on "Print Request" button.
Fax the license request to Datatex on 021 592 4077.
Once you receive your activation key,
In ONYXplus, proceed to the LICENCE tab.
When entering the License number, please include the '-' between the numbers on the
license form.
When entering the activation key, please EXCLUDE the '-' between the numbers that
you see on the form.
Also check that the correct number of channels is entered.
Please click on the 'License ONYX+' button. It should update the 'Expiry Date'.
Example Licence Number: 123456-78910
Activation key: 123456324789625142
Please make sure that you enter the license number in the licence number field and not
in the activation key field. The license number is the shortest number on the license form.
To check which channels are licensed
Click on the 'Channels' tab in ONYXPLUS.
You will see a list of all the available channels, provided your cabling is correct.
Tick each channel on the list.
Channels that are displayed red are unlicensed channels.
Channels that are green are licensed ones.
The licensed channels should be the first channels on the list, they will be green.
You can select which channel to license. By default the first channels,
according to your number of licenses is selected.
Please note: You can have 30 channels available for example and have only six licensed.