Call transferred from unrecorded ext to recorded ext

Amethyst - Advance Call Recording Solution(Trunk,Extension, VoIP and clientside) with Agent Quality Management and 3rd party integration SDK

Moderators: Leon van Heerden, Luanda_Junzi, Belinda Frick, Lee Hendricks

Call transferred from unrecorded ext to recorded ext

Postby juliana » Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:30 am

I've got a call that went from a recorded device (2532) to an unrecorded device (8260)that then got transferred again to a recorded device (7021) on 12/03/2012. Call was made from 0217061869. I pick up the calls on the first recorded device, but nothing once transferred from the unrecorded device to the recorded device (7021). Is this suppose to happen? :?
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Re: Call transferred from unrecorded ext to recorded ext

Postby Leon van Heerden » Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:48 pm

Your Site utilizes a CSTA link that captures the call information from the Avaya. The call information is then passed on to the recorded trunks where the calls are "sliced".

If you search for just the number, with no extension filled in, for the day in question. This will list all the calls to the number, regards of who made the call.

I had a look at the data on the cardserver to confirm the configuration at your site and saw that the call was transferred to 7061. This is not a recorded device so the call was rejected. It is still within the 5 days window, so if you need us to license the extension and and load the call, we can contact you.
Leon van Heerden
Leon van Heerden
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Re: Call transferred from unrecorded ext to recorded ext

Postby juliana » Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:20 am

Hi Leon, 7061 is the New Business line, from there Roza (recorded) took it, it left them and went to membership. Supervisor took the call (8260) and transferred to agent (Fadwa) on 7021 who is recorded. Notes made on the conversations that transpired, but I can't locate the calls at all. I ran recordings with number only on the day in question.
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Joined: Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:43 am

Re: Call transferred from unrecorded ext to recorded ext

Postby Leon van Heerden » Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:27 am

This is the call details for the day for that number.

Code: Select all
2012-03-12 09:43:49.058 SendToAmethyst: TAPI|STOP|R:2530|0217061869||0:00:28||2012-03-12|09:43:20||C0005|I||||
2012-03-12 09:45:08.062 SendToAmethyst: TAPI|STOP|R:2532|0217061869||0:01:13||2012-03-12|09:43:54||C0005|I||||
2012-03-12 10:14:03.986 SendToAmethyst: TAPI|STOP|R:2532|0217061869||0:05:57||2012-03-12|10:08:06||C0063|O||||

this is the recordings for the day for that number.
Code: Select all
[2012-03-12 10:00:10.669] Version [] Recorded(DTA)=>EXT:2530,USER:,LINE:C0005,NUMBER:0217061869,DURATION:0:00:56,INCOMING(004_07DC16FC7851B.ZLB)
[2012-03-12 10:01:29.511] Version [] Recorded(DTA)=>EXT:2532,USER:,LINE:C0005,NUMBER:0217061869,DURATION:0:01:18,INCOMING(004_07DC16FC8623F.ZLB)
[2012-03-12 10:10:02.331] Version [] Recorded(DT2)=>EXT:7061,USER:AMTCARDS,LINE:C0005,NUMBER:0217061869,DURATION:0:08:35,INCOMING(004_07DC16FC996E6.ZLB)

I have checked again and I see that the Number matching facility was enabled. This will check for the number and Duration of the call to match correctly. If the Number do not match or if there is a major difference in the duration of the recording and the Call data, the call data is discarded as it probably is a different call. The Call data stated 05:57 and the recording 08:35. The call data was discarded because there was to big of a difference.
I have now disabled the number matching, which means the calls will cut properly.

This specific call had a DID value of 7061 and that was then used as the extension, since there is no call data.

We will still have to process that call in today if you need it as the 5 day window is ending for that recording.
Leon van Heerden
Leon van Heerden
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