by Belinda Frick » Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:56 am
AMETHYST and the AMTMitelCRE is running on the same server. Recordings was taking place (the AMTMitelCRE log showed 'Recorded' entries for current date and time: AMETHYST Webadmin Home page click on the 'Configure Cardserver/CRE' and then the view logs link), but the ftp between the recordings software and the AMETHYST was stuck and therefore it could not sweep the recordings into the database.
The issue was resolved by stopping and starting the AMETHYST server program:
AMETHYST Webadmin Home page under the 'Applications' section (top right-hand side), use the 'Stop Server' link to stop it. It will change the link to 'Start Server', click on this link to start it again - once started it will again show 'Stop Server'.
To see if recordings are now loading and what the progress is, go to 'View Call History' in the 'Recording' section on the AMETHYST webadmin Home page.