The Webadmin mapping page on Amethyst 2 older than used drop down lists for the groups and you have to select an initial group to start listings from .
Versions after uses an auto complete list.
The mapping page has a drop down list with "Record", Not Recorded and Disabled option per Recorded device. Currently this is the flag per recording device, if the recordings should be loaded into the database.
Amethyst 2 recordings are licensed different to Amethyst 1.
For sites that have agents logging in on physical phones, the following should be noted.
2001 – 2300 – Agent Logins
5001 – 5092 – Physical Exts
5101 – 5192 – Physical Exts
1601 – 1653 – Physical Exts
4005 – Physical Ext
4921 – 4939 – Agent Logins
8181 – 8187 – Physical Exts
7501 – 7504 – Physical Exts
7511 – 7514 – Physical Exts
7551 – 7554 – Physical Exts
7561 - 7564 – Physical Exts
The Agent that logs in on the extension, requires a Recording license. This then applies to each Agent login that needs to be recorded.
If however the Physical extension can make and receive calls Without any agent that is logged in, and these calls need to be recorded, then this Physical extension will also require a Recording license.