TES errors on page

Amethyst - Advance Call Recording Solution(Trunk,Extension, VoIP and clientside) with Agent Quality Management and 3rd party integration SDK

Moderators: Leon van Heerden, Luanda_Junzi, Belinda Frick, Lee Hendricks

TES errors on page

Postby Lee Hendricks » Tue Jun 05, 2018 3:55 pm

The TES server at Spoor and Fisher sometimes gets restarts.
In this case the TESwebdeamon is off and needs to be started up.

To start up the service, navigate to the location:
Code: Select all
cd /opt/datatex/tes/webserver/

Run the following script to make sure that the webdeamon has stopped
Code: Select all

Wait for the "stopped" response
Code: Select all
teswebdaemon: no process found
teswebdaemon: no process found
teswebdaemon.bin: no process found

This will confirm that the TESWEBDAEMON is stopped. Now start the service.
Code: Select all

Confirm that the daemon is now running.
Code: Select all
ps auwxf |grep tes

Check if the service is running
Code: Select all
root       386  0.0  0.0  15404  1388 ?        Ssl  14:49   0:00 ./teswebdaemon -D
root       388  0.0  0.0   4444   652 ?        S    14:49   0:00  \_ sh -c ./teswebdaemon.bin >>/tmp/guardian/teswebdaemon.log 2>>/tmp/guardian/teswebdaemon.log
root       389  0.3  0.2 683020 11604 ?        Sl   14:49   0:14      \_ ./teswebdaemon.bin

The webpage should now be accessible
Lee Hendricks
Posts: 150
Joined: Mon Aug 25, 2014 2:18 pm

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