Confirm that the script is running
- Code: Select all
less /root/scripts/
Check that the script contains "/opt/amethyst/data/sweeper1/"
Check the location to confirmif there are recordings
- Code: Select all
ls /opt/amethyst/data/sweeper1/
If not all the recordings seem to be processing in then the issue is that the sweeper is not reading it from the correct location
Edit the amtsweeper
- Code: Select all
cd /opt/amethyst/bin/
Backup the current ini
- Code: Select all
cp amtsweeper.ini amtsweeper.ini-20180703
Edit the amtsweeper.ini
- Code: Select all
vi amtsweeper.ini
Change the directory:
- Code: Select all
Startup the amtsweeper
- Code: Select all
./amtsweeper -D
The files that were left behind will now process in