Amethyst Trunk Side Recording Segments Incorrectly

Amethyst - Advance Call Recording Solution(Trunk,Extension, VoIP and clientside) with Agent Quality Management and 3rd party integration SDK

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Amethyst Trunk Side Recording Segments Incorrectly

Postby ZanePhelan » Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:36 am

Hi Support,

I have a customer whose trunk side recording for the Console on the Mitel 3300 are cutting the recording segments too early.

Attached please find example of recordings and smdr data(example.rar). You hear the music on hold, but never the switchboard operator.

According to the smdr data the call could 20 seconds long, but what happens is that the 20 seconds that the person spent on hold is recorded, while the 20 seconds that the operator spoke to the caller for is not.

Please advise

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Re: Amethyst Trunk Side Recording Segments Incorrectly

Postby Belinda Frick » Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:18 pm

I will need more information. I cannot tie the recordings to the call data.

I processed the rawdata for 20120904 with your plugin. I played recording '149_07DCF9F24D1D16'. This recording seems to end before the conversation stops. I then search the call details for the call details provided and found the recording took place on trunk 17.

Attached is all the calls on trunk 17 for 20120904. You need to search in AMETHYST Supervisor for all calls for trunk 17 and play them back to back to seem if the full conversation is recorded.

Each time a call action is completed the PABX gives off a call data string which is used as call details to tie to the trunk sided recording(so that we have an extension number for the recording). Note that the Mitel does not give off call data for on hold. If a person was put on hold it will be part of the recording until the call is transferred to another extension - a new recording will then start each time the conversation is on another extension.

I will need to see the Supervisor search result for trunk 17 and the recordings for that result.

If a recording was made and the call details was not received, you will have EXT as extension number for the recordings. If EXT is not on the List of Recorded Devices it will be rejected - check the reject logs.
Belinda Frick
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Re: Amethyst Trunk Side Recording Segments Incorrectly

Postby ZanePhelan » Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:48 pm

Hi Belinda,

149_07DCF9F24D1D16 next segment that is save is attached and has the following details

Extension 3755
Destination PRETORIA - (ZA)
When 2012-09-04 09:01:17
Number 0123484569
Recording # 149_07DCF9F2947716.GSC
Duration 0:02:15

A screen shot for the period surrounding that call for trunk 17 is attached as well.

Let me know if you need anything else
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Re: Amethyst Trunk Side Recording Segments Incorrectly

Postby Belinda Frick » Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:46 pm

Your recordings solution is trunk side and the Mitel 3300 IPC PABX with AMETHYST version is 1.5 (the latest version for AMETHYST is 1.6.4).

The Mitel Mitia does not provide call details for the switchboard model that you are using. AMTMitel requires this information. Your switchboard extension are receiving call details via SMDRLink from the Mitel SMDR port. The call details provided by the Mitai and the SMDR port is not identical - we cannot compare it, only use as a guideline.

The search you did in AMETHYST Supervisor will show call details as per AMTMitel (mitai) for all extensions but the switchboard extensions, which is SWB1 and SWB2. The switchboard extension's details comes from SMDRLink (Mitel SMDR port).

I have attached the report with SMDRLink call details for 20120904 and trunk/line 17 -
Please download and unrar, you will need QV.exe to view the report. See forum post - Error opening qrp file (when using QV)

To see why the call details shows extension as EXT, we need to look at the AMTMitel logs for 20120904. We can only trace it, if it was in debug mode. To see if this call details was sent to AMETHYST, we need to look at the amtserver logs (if in debug mode) and the amtcards logs.

Please supply me with this logs (I also need to see the software versions).
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Belinda Frick
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Re: Amethyst Trunk Side Recording Segments Incorrectly

Postby ZanePhelan » Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:24 pm

Logs requested attached.

EXT usually relates to calls that did not get associated to an extension e.g. abandoned calls

Regarding the incorrect time segment of recordings being kept. Is the problem not that (as per example) the twenty seconds of the switchboard operators call is actually taking place maybe after one minute into the call duration of the call and is not the first twenty seconds of the recording?

How is the card server splitting the call? Is it using D channel information or is using time information from the TSP and SMDR records or something else?

Let me know
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Re: Amethyst Trunk Side Recording Segments Incorrectly

Postby Belinda Frick » Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:41 pm

The card server receives events from the card that the trunk must be recorded and when it terminates. This recording will have no extension details (call details provided by D channel information received).

To have extension details, this is provided by the call details the PABX provides. In your case AMTMitel (Mitai) for non-switchboard calls and SMDRLink (Mitel SMDR port) for switchboard calls.

If the PABX sends of call details for the trunk being recorded, it will slice the trunk recording and tie the call details to that part of the recording. Call details is typically send off when the call ends on an extension, but some PABX units also sends it for when a call is placed on hold.

If the conversation continues on the trunk line, the cardserver will continue to record until either call details is received for the trunk number or the recording card sends off events that the recording should terminate.
Belinda Frick
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Re: Amethyst Trunk Side Recording Segments Incorrectly

Postby Belinda Frick » Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:14 pm

You are running the last version of AMETHYST 1.5 and amtmitel is (latest version, but your recordings sofware is on a very old version ( A lot of development has gone into sorting out issues with amtcards software since then. It looks like the call details did not tie to the recording. This is something that was fixed years ago.

Since the earlier version of AMTCards, we also included features like more detailed critical e-mails to send e-mail alerts if any issue occurs, etc. For example recording taking place and no call details received, and call details received with no recording made, etc.

I would suggest upgrading AMETHYST to version 1.6.4. This will include all the updates to resolve all known issues.
Belinda Frick
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Re: Amethyst Trunk Side Recording Segments Incorrectly

Postby ZanePhelan » Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:48 am

Thanks Belinda, just waiting for the updated docs and will then advise the customer.
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