For USBClients:
For AQM sampling to work, screenshots must be enabled. This can be done
in the USBClient.ini file for each individual agent.
Extract of sample USBClient.ini file:
Select 'Configure agents'.
Go to the agent you want to configure,
click on the icon, 'Properties'.
Tick 'Sample', to specify which calls to mark.
Enter which calls to select, for example every 4th call.
Enter length of call (minimum duration).
If you select every 4th call with a duration of 1 minute (0:01:00),
then every 4th call for that agent which has a duration of a
minute and more, will be marked for AQM review. An 'A' will be
displayed in the 'AQM' column under 'Search Recordings' menu.
Once you have reviewed this call, the 'A' will be changed to 'B'.
However, if the call was not marked as 'AQM' and you review it,
the reviewed call will have a 'A' in the 'AQM' column.
From Supervisor version onwards if a call was reviewed
or the first time it will always be marked as 'B'. This applies
for a call sampled as 'A' or a call that was not marked for AQM.
For Extension side recordings (Card Server):
Recording are made using the recording card and not individual
USBClient programs. The extension needs to be configure for an
AQM sample as part of the card server configuration and you
need the AMTClient program on the PC for each agent.
ALSO SEE: AQM setup for Amethyst 1.5 on card solution
ALSO SEE: How do I configure AMETHYST 1.5 card server solution?