Mitel PABX and/or recording servers shutdown required

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Mitel PABX and/or recording servers shutdown required

Postby Belinda Frick » Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:29 pm


Our Mitel PABX will be shutdown as part of required maintenance.
Our recording servers will be moved.

How does this influence AMETHYST CRE recording servers?


First shut down AMETHYST and then the SRC(MSL), else you will get error message from AMETHYST due to SRC being down.

Once you shutdown the SRC, the recorded phones will not work as they point to the SRC (and not the Mitel Controller).


  • Please shut down the AMETHYST, CRE and SRC/MBG/MSL server.

    1. The AMETHYST server must be shut down via the AMETHYST webadmin interface to prevent damage to the server. To shut down AMETHYST refer to post -
      How do I shut down/restart the AMETHYST server?

      If AMETHYST virtual, it can be shutdown via Virtual Management Software.

    2. To shut down the MSL/SRC/MBG refer to post -
      How do I reboot/shutdown the SRC server?

    3. CRE recorder:

      Depending on your setup, the recording server can be on AMETHYST or MBG or standalone server.

      If standalone server, note it does not have an interface to instruct the shut down.

      If a physical machine you will require assistance from Datatex to log onto it to shut it down
      or schedule something.
      Note if shutdown requested outside office hours call must be requested and scheduled.

      If it is a virtual machine you can shut down the server in the virtual environment.
  • Once maintenance is complete you can power up the servers.

  • Testing if servers are up and running:

    To see if AMETHYST server is up and running log into either AMETHYST Webadmin or Supervisor - refer to forum post: How do I log into AMETHYST webadmin and supervisor?

    To see if the MSL/CRE server is up and running, make a test call from one of the recorded extensions. The phone's ICP address points to the SRC IP address and will not be able to dial out if not available on the network.

    To see if recordings are taking place log into AMETHYST Supervisor, search for the test call made and play it back.
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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