On the AMETHYST supervisor search recordings screen, the following headings are present:
Date/Time User Ext Number Destination Duration AQ Reference IO Line Num Short Notes
On this screen only the date field will contain information. This will allow you to enter
information in the blank fields to narrow down your search.
A brief description of each field:
DATE/TIME The date and time of the recording.
USER Either the Windows login or username configured by the AMETHYST
EXT The extension number of the agent.
NUMBER The telephone number for the incoming/outgoing call(CLI is
required for incoming line numbers)
DESTINATION The destination linked to the telephone number.
DURATION The duration of the call.
AQ All calls randomly selected by AMETHYST for Agent Quality Management.
REFERENCE Reference number from third-party application (if integrated).
IO Incoming or outgoing call.
LINE NUM The line number that was used on the PABX.
Where does this call information come from?
When using the USBClient:
If recordings are made with the USBClient, you need to configure the extension to tie
up the call details received from either TOPAZ(up to AMETHYST1.4) or SMDRLink(preferred method).
AMETHYST will use the SMDR Link / TOPAZ call time for the Date/Time field of the recordings.
If the call data has no time attached, the PC time of the recording will be used.
On the client side the 'USER' field comes from the Agents PC login name. It is thus
recommended that each agent has a unique login on the network, and cannot log in to
simultanious stations.
If not configured on 'virtual extensions' this information is retrieved from the USB/
AMTClient ini file.
The number that comes from the pabx, either by means of TOPAZ or SMDRLINK
The destination field can contain the Telkom exchange information or numbers can be
specified using 'GETSET' i.e 0215924033 DATATEX
The duration of the call. If SMDR data is received this could include ring time or
exclusively be connected time. PABX dependant.
In this field all calls flagged for AQM are marked with A, should an AQM be done on it,
the call is mark with the next letter in the alphabet.
If there is no SMDR call data, the reference number of the recording is used, each
recording has a unique reference number preceded by the last bit of the recording
computer's IP address be it Clientside or Cardserver.
Gives and indication whether the call was incoming or outgoing.
Line number of on which the recording took place
Short notes entered by the Supervisor or Client software.
When using a card solution with AMETHYST 1.4(phasing out):
The call details must be imported live into TOPAZ from PABX3. The call details
(SMDR data) is then sent from TOPAZ to AMETHYST to be linked to the recording by the
extension configured for that recording (made by the USBClient or SLVR). The
extension number configured with the USB or SLVR tap is used to link the call details
from TOPAZ to the recording sent to AMETHYST. Therefore if there are no PERSON names
linked to the phone number, TOPAZ will check in the COMPANY field for the description.
If there is no value for the company name, the GROUP field is checked. Then lastly if
no GROUP the Exchange Description will be used.
When using a card solution with AMETHYST 1.5(recommended):
Call details is received via SMDRLink from the PABX. The sweeper will look up the dial
code and find the destination. If GetSet is configured, after the call is ended the
telephone number received from SMDRLink will be searched for in the GetSet database
and if found this destination will be updated to the AMETHYST database. This handled by
the sweeper and takes preference to call details received from SMDRLink.
User Name:
For trunkside recording you can configure the description in SMDRLink.
SEE: Line recording, on private lines (No PABX) No SMDRdata for last 10 recordings
Where do you setup and maintain this call data?
Linking call details to recordings (USB Client):
Options to setup extensions in USBClient:
1. USBClient.ini:
A) The default filepath of the USBClient.ini is
c:\program files\Datatex\USbClient.
B) Under the [SETTINGS] option in the USBClient.ini file there is an EXTENSION
setting, enter the extension number here, example:
2. With AMETHYST 1.5 administrator:
A) Login as Administrator.
B) Select "Configure agents".
C) Go to the agent you need to setup, select "Properties", and enter the extension
D) For the time of the call associated with the recording, AMETHYST will use the
SMDRlink / TOPAZ call time. If the call data has no time attached, the PC time of
the recording will be used.