SMDRLink: Default settings (linux)

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Moderators: Leon van Heerden, Luanda_Junzi, Belinda Frick, Lee Hendricks

SMDRLink: Default settings (linux)

Postby Belinda Frick » Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:01 pm

Setting up the SMDRLink for your PABX:

See the default settings below, only change what is listed below, to receive data
via the comport from the pabx.

Change the COM Port and PABX settings to receive data from the PABX.

If you used PABX3 to test if the PABX is giving off the call data string and the cabling
is setup correct, please set SMDRLink to the same settings as PABX3. See settings below:

Under PABX3 in OPTIONS -> COMMUNICATIONS in the 'TOPAZ Buffer protocal' Section
'EOL' is the SMDRLink 'Termination character'.

Under PABX3 in OPTIONS -> COMMUNICATIONS in the 'Serial' Section
'Comport' is the SMDRLink 'COM Port'
'BaudRate' is the SMDRLink 'Baud Rate'
'Length' is the SMDRLink 'Bits'
'Parity' is the SMDRLink 'Parity'
'Stop' is the SMDRLink 'Stop bits'

Under PABX3 in OPTIONS -> COMMUNICATIONS the 'Software flow' Section
is the SMDRLink 'Software flow'

Under PABX3 in OPTIONS -> COMMUNICATIONS the 'Hardware flow' Section
is the SMDRLink 'Hardware flow'

Select the plugin for your PABX under 'Plugin name'.
The plugin will be loaded as specified on the order documentation. Please check and verify.

Change the 'Local code' / 'Country code' / 'International Dial Code'.
The dialing codes will be selected as specified on the order documentation. Please check and verify.

Start SMDRLink from the Webadmin.

Default settings for SMDRLink as viewed from Webadmin:

Termination character 10
Baud Rate 9600
Bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Software flow Off
Hardware flow Off
Plugin name

Use GetExchange On

Use VIPLink Off

Amethyst server IP
Amethyst listen port 27000

Detail log mode Off

Send data to PABX3 Off
PABX3 server IP gem
PABX3 listen port 25001

Listen for UDP On
UDP listen port 27998

Local code 021
Country code 027
International access code 09

Max entries in list 5

GetSet DLL Path /opt/datatex/lib/
GetSet Host localhost
GetSet Server Listen Port 9999

Default settings for SMDRLink as viewed in the SMDRLink log file:

When you start SMDRLink it will list all the settings in the SMDRLink log file.

Logfile data for 20061003/amtsmdrlink.log
2006-10-03 16:58:37 - GetExchange Shutdown
2006-10-03 17:10:00 - GetExchange Version :
2006-10-03 17:10:00 - Connecting to database [/opt/tng/data/tng.fdb]

[2006-10-03 17:10:00.209] SMDRLINK LINUX BUILD v1.1.0.9
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.209] =============================
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.212] IniPath : /opt/tng/bin/amtsmdrlink.ini
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.213] Updating INI version
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.226] Plugin : /opt/tng/plugins/
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.226] GetExchange : /opt/datatex/lib/
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.226] Dialcodes : /opt/tng/data/tng.fdb
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.226] GetSet : /opt/datatex/lib/
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.294] GetSet Loaded and Connected.
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.294] GetSet : Loaded Successfully
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.294] ServerIP :
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.294] ServerPort : 27000
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.294] Debugging : Off
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.294] Create Raw : True
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.294] Create Raw Binary : False
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.294] UDP PABX3 : False
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.294] Listen UDP : True
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.294] Listen PORT : 27998
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.295] Plugin : Attempting to Load Plugin
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.447] Plugin : Loaded Successfully
[2006-10-03 17:10:00.447] GetExchange : Attempting to load Shared Object
2006-10-03 17:10:01 - Connected to [/opt/tng/data/tng.fdb]
2006-10-03 17:10:02 - Initializing list default
[2006-10-03 17:10:02.173] GetExchange : Loaded Successfully
[2006-10-03 17:10:02.173] Reading Settings
[2006-10-03 17:10:02.173] Settings Read
[2006-10-03 17:10:02.207] TermChar : [0A]
[2006-10-03 17:10:02.207] Com : COM1
[2006-10-03 17:10:02.207] BaudRate : 9600
[2006-10-03 17:10:02.207] Bits : 8
[2006-10-03 17:10:02.207] Parity : N
[2006-10-03 17:10:02.207] Stop : 1
[2006-10-03 17:10:02.207] SoftFlow : 0
[2006-10-03 17:10:02.207] HardFlow : 0
[2006-10-03 17:10:02.207] COM1 Ready
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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