I do an AQM and enter a ‘Supervisor Comment’ and click on ‘Save AQM’. When I then click on ‘Show Report’,
the supervisor comments is not displayed. When I click on ‘Email Report’, the e-mail has the supervisor comment.
When I now enter a second supervisor comment, and then click on ‘Show Report’ (without clicking on ‘Apply
changes’) I can see this comment as the first (and only) comment on the display. When I enter a third supervisor
comment and click on ‘Do AQM’, the comment is displayed under ‘Previous Comment’. I click on ‘Save AQM’ and then ‘
View Report’, the supervisor comment is blank (not one of the 3 comments is displayed). All these comments is
displayed under ‘Previous Comments’ and on the report when using ‘Email Report’, but not under the ‘Show Report’
When a AQM summary report is drawn and there is no data to display,the supervisor crashes.
If a AQM question has a quote, some of the AQM reports will not display correctly. Drilldown reports are
mostly affected.
When you listen to a recording and want to see the next one in the seach results, you have to go back to
the seach screen and select the next one. There is a need for a next and previous facility.