Please try the following:
- When a call is ended the PABX sends a call record off. This is used as the call termination
for USBClient via SMDRLink or TOPAZ. Please check in the SMDRLink logs that this record is received
from the PABX and translated by the plugin.- Code: Select all
2005-10-25 07:06:00 - getPBX <== 25-10-2005|07:08:43|207|INCOMING|I||00|00|14|5|I_NORMAL|0|0|
2005-10-25 07:06:00 - getPBX ==> 25-10-2005|07:08:43|207|INCOMING|I||00|00|14|5|I_NORMAL|0|0||
2005-10-25 07:06:00 - Plugin data = 25-10-2005|07:08:43|207|INCOMING|I||00|00|14|5|I_NORMAL|0|0||
2005-10-25 07:06:00 - SMDR data [R:207|INCOMING|INCOMING|0:00:14|R0.00|2005-10-25|07:08:43||5|I|AUTO ATTENDANT 207|]
- The '- getPBX <==' is the acutal rawdata that the PABX sends off. The 'SMDR data' line is the call
data being used to tie the SMDR data to the recording made on the agents PC. Make sure that the
USBClient is configured with the correct extension number. In this example the extension number
is '207'. - USBClient.ini:
- Code: Select all
ALSO SEE: USBCLIENT does not record: recording does not stop/audio level hangs - Check the log files (Administrator and SMDRLink),
- Check if the version numbers of all the USBClients are the same and you are on the latest
version of the software, in AMETHYST Administrator -> 'Configure agents' -> under the 'Version' column. - check that the user does not show "Down",(Administrator -> Configure agents -> Status),
ALSO SEE: AMETHYST agent displayed as 'DOWN' / 'CHECK', I cannot select properties. - Check if you are able to Ping to the server,
ALSO SEE: How do I ping a computer? - In Configure SMDRLink, check if the IP address and port numbers are correct,
Default settings for SMDRLink as viewed from Webadmin:- Code: Select all
Termination character 10
Baud Rate 9600
Bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Software flow Off
Hardware flow Off
Plugin name
Use GetExchange On
Use VIPLink Off
Amethyst server IP
Amethyst listen port 27000
Detail log mode Off
Send data to PABX3 Off
PABX3 server IP gem
PABX3 listen port 25001
Listen for UDP On
UDP listen port 27998
Local code 021
Country code 027
International access code 09
Max entries in list 5
GetSet DLL Path /opt/datatex/lib/
GetSet Host localhost
GetSet Server Listen Port 9999
- The anti-virus software can cause USBClient to seem like it is hanging, while it is
scanning the file that was created for the recording,
ALSO SEE: USBCLIENT does not record: recording does not stop/audio level hangs: - The firewall must allow USBClient,
ALSO SEE: How to configure the Windows XP SP2 firewall to work with Datatex products - In the USB ini file, check if the sever and port numbers for AMETHYST is entered .
USBClient.ini:- Code: Select all
After the checks are completed, Open USB client and make a test call.