SCREENPOP=1 : Screen pops up when recording starts. 0 = disabled
WRAPUPTIME=7 : The time agent has to fill in notes on after call. No calls will be taken in this time
USERANDCOMPUTER=0 : Shows "User on pcname"
EXTENSION=111 : Extension number of current user
SCREENSHOTON=0 : Enable Screenshot
SAMPLECOUNT=1 : If calls are already recorded, how many should pass before count is started for AQM marking
SAMPLEINTERVAL=10 : Interval between calls that are screenshots are taken. 1 = every call
SNAPSHOTINTERVAL=30 : Duration between screenshots in call
AQMMINDUR=0 : Minimum duration in seconds of call marked for AQM
VERSION=USB : Version number of USBclient
AGC=1 : Automatic Gain Control, tries to set the mic and speaker channel to the same volume
REMOTESTARTSTOP=0 : When using AMTtapi to start or stop your calls
CLIENTSTATE=0 : Specifies client state from VOX to full CTI mode
DEVICEID=0 : Not in use any more.
MIN_PING_SERVER=5 : Duration in seconds that server pings client to check status
ACTIVELISTENPORT=3085 : Active listening port of Supervisor live listen
TRIGGER=8 : Trigger level of noise for client to start recording
USERIGHT=1 : Use mic or speaker channel
OUTLOOK=0 : Agent has a journal entry with all their calls that they can listen to
OUTLOOKSUPER= : Supervisor used for outlook integration.
TOPAZIP= : Topaz server IP
TOPAZPORT=0 : Topaz listening port
SOUNDPATH=.\Data\ : Recording path of USBclient
MIXTYPE=0 : Adaptive, Linear or Boost type mixing
SERVERIP= : IP or Host name of Amethyst
SERVERPORT=27000 : Listening port of Amethyst
SCREENPOSTOP=131 : Remembers the last screen position from the top
SCREENPOSLEFT=260 : Remembers the last screen position from the left
PROGRAM=AMTPCCLIENT : Program used for AQM screenshots using a cardserver