MyAccount: HPX board 0 does not have enough forwarding lic

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MyAccount: HPX board 0 does not have enough forwarding lic

Postby Belinda Frick » Wed May 06, 2015 4:56 pm


Critical Error reported by VOIPRECORDER at Prescient for branch


HPX board 0 does not have enough forwarding licenses. Message from host:
Full subject=Critical Error reported by VOIPRECORDER at Prescient for branch


This event will happen if the number of STATION IPs for recording loaded exceeds the number of HPX licenses.


Find the matching entry in the VoIPRecord.log to ensure you are on the correct VoIP Recorder,
in this case IP

2015-05-06 12:32:23.935 [] WARNING: HPX board 0 does not have enough forwarding licenses.
2015-05-06 14:44:39.887 [] WARNING: HPX board 0 does not have enough forwarding licenses.

You can also do a 'ipconfig' in cmd to verify.

Check number of HPX licenses, refer to topic:
VoIPRecorder license for use with dongle

Check in the VoIPRecord.ini if TRACKING is enabled:
Code: Select all

If so, then the number of entries in the TRACKING section is the number of STATION that will load and be recorded. This should not exceed the number of HPX licenses. If so, either limit the TRACKING list of purchase additional HPX licenses. Your AMETHYST agent licenses must also allow then additional devices, else you need to purchase AMETHYST agent licenses also.

If TRACKING is not enabled, the VoIPRecord will try and find all phones on the network mirrored interface and record them. If there are more phones than HPX licenses, you will get the overrun message.

Option is to either enable TRACKING or purchase additional HPX bundle.
NOTE: If TRACKING is enabled only the specified devices(MAC Addresses or IPs) will be recorded, if changes the configuration must be updated accordingly.
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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