Requirements: Installing Amethyst 1.4 on Linux

All documents from the original Software Support Library (SSL)

Moderators: Leon van Heerden, Luanda_Junzi, Belinda Frick, Lee Hendricks

Requirements: Installing Amethyst 1.4 on Linux

Postby Belinda Frick » Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:05 am

1.4 requires the following features in the OS
1. wine
2. VNC server
3. X-Server
4. FTP Server

Always use lowercase for all naming conventions

Removeable harddrive mounting point (directory)

Root disk partitioning
30Gb for OS and applications
31+Gb for audio and screenshots

Directory Structures with content
/opt/amethyst/bin/webadmin This is the web interface for version 1.5 onwards. Must run as a deamon from rc2.d /opt/amethyst/bin/amt The Amethyst server application /opt/amethyst/bin/amtsweeper The Amethyst Sweeper Application /opt/amethyst/bin/amtserver.ini The Amethyst server configuration file /opt/amethyst/bin/amtsweeper.ini The Amethyst Sweeper configuration file /opt/amethyst/bin/temp/ This directory is automatically created and I am not sure what it is used for /opt/amethyst/data/amt.fdb This is the Amethyst Database /opt/amethyst/data/temp/ This directory must be manually created and is used by FTP Server to store the zlb files /opt/amethyst/data/work/ This directory must be manually created and is used by the amtsweeper to process zlb's into the database /opt/amethyst/logs/yyyymmdd/amtsweepr.log This is the sweeper daily log file. All paths are created automatically /opt/amethyst/logs/yyyymmdd/amserver.log This is the server daily log file. All paths are created automatically /opt/amethyst/logs/yyyymmdd/webadmin.log This is the webadmin daily log file. All paths are created automatically /opt/amethyst/web/images This is the directory where all the webadmin images are stored. Must be created manually and images copied in /opt/amethyst/web/pages This is the directory where all the webadminpages are stored. Not currently used. Must be created manuallyy /opt/amethyst/etc All Amethyst scripts (backup, restore etc )must go into this directorys Must be created manuallyy /opt/amethyst/data/changelist All new files that have been added to the database since the last backup /opt/licman/ Plugin for license manager. Create this directory manually /opt/licman/licman.dat License Manager Data File

Scripts required but not available yet

/opt/amethyst/etc/upgrade Allow running an ./install script from a USB drive after mounting the drive. /opt/amethyst/etc/amtfdbbackup Mount removable harddrive and do a gbak of the amt.fdb to this drive. /opt/amethyst/etc/amtfdbrestore Mount removable harddrive and do a gbak -restore of the amt.fdb from this drive. /opt/amethyst/etc/amtincbackup Use the /opt/amethyst/change/changelist to do an incremental backup to the /opt/amethyst/etc/amtincRestore Restore files from removable drive between dates /opt/amethyst/etc/sysbackup Backup the Amethyst system
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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