All documents from the original Software Support Library (SSL)

Moderators: Leon van Heerden, Luanda_Junzi, Belinda Frick, Lee Hendricks


Postby Belinda Frick » Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:35 pm


Problem: The USBTap is not detected.
Windows did not pick up the USB device when Windows started,
returned from Hibernation, returned from Standby or wakeup
from sleep mode.
Windows didn't pick up the device the first time it was plugged in.
Resolution: Plug the USBTap out and then plug it back in.
Make sure that the phone tap LED turns blue when you plug the tap
back in. This will show you if the tap was detected correctly. If
this doesn't work, try to plug it into a different USB port. Ensure
that all the available USB patches for Windows are installed.

Problem: The USBClient starts recording immediately and
doesn't stop.
Resolution: The order in which the devices are plugged in
on installation is important and was probably not followed correctly
(all cables must be connected before the USBClient software is started).
Plug the USBTap in and ensure that Windows detects it correctly. Then
plug in the phone and head- or hand-set. Then start the USBClient
software. If this order is not followed, the initial trigger level
is calculated without the phone plugged in. As soon as the phone is
then plugged in, the USBClient will start triggering immediately.

Problem: The USBClient doesn't start recording immediately
when the call starts or the call stops recording to early.
Resolution: The USBCLient can be configured to start recording
and keep checking for noise on the mounth piece or the ear piece. Some
phones play your own voice back to you on your own ear piece. (a.k.a. Side Tone).
When side tone is available triggering on the ear is usually the best, since
it will trigger when either you or the caller speaks. If your phone keeps the
ear peice active even after completing the call, the USBClient will detect
this as noise and keep recording. Using the mouth piece is an option in this
case, but if you keep quiet for longer than the silence time the
recording will stop. Ensure that you follow the previous step's procedures
to reduce the chances of this problem.

TROUBLESHOOTING: Tests to check USBClient and SLVR setup.
TROUBLESHOOTING: Terms used with Amethyst
TROUBLESHOOTING: SLVR issues identified after an Amethyst installation.
TROUBLESHOOTING: Problems common to SLVR and USBClient
TROUBLESHOOTING: Settings in Topaz when using Amethyst
TROUBLESHOOTING: Amethyst Supervisor
TROUBLESHOOTING: Other general configuration problems
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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