AMETHYST server:
On the server, check that there are not more supervisors
logged in than you have licenses for.
I get an error message: "Too many supervisors"
even though there are no other supervisors logged in.
AMETHYST supervisor (s):
Ensure that the same supervisor is not logged in more than
AMETHYST agent(s):
The PC:
Network problem: Make sure the PC can see the AMETHYST
server on the network.
The PC of the agent is switched off.
The agent did not use the PC for some time (idle, standby).
Re-boot PC and let the agent login, this will register the
agent correct on the server.
ALSO SEE: How do AMETHYST hotseats work?
The Tap:
When using a USB tap:
Make sure that the USBClient software is installed.
Make sure the USB tap is detected by windows.
When using a SLVR tap:
Make sure that the SLVR software is installed.
Make sure the SLVR tap is connected correctly.
USB taps not recording bug << incomplete >>
USB tap not recognized by ONYX & Windows
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