Listening to an archived & purged recording in Amethyst 1.5+

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Listening to an archived & purged recording in Amethyst 1.5+

Postby Belinda Frick » Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:24 pm


Amethyst 1.5 and higher, archives to a removable drive or to a network location (NFS) or both.
To listen to these recordings, you will need AMTLISTEN.EXE.

The AmtListen program can be used on the archive machine or over the network if the data location is shared. Multiple users can access the data concurrently.

This program can not access the AQM facilities or templates. These are never removed from the live database and will still be accessible from the normal supervisor.

If archiving was done to the removeable drive in the AMETHYST server, you need to insert this harddrive into a Windows PC and install AMTListen on it to access the recordings. (The drive can be placed in a USB container for easier installation on a PC)

If archiving was done to a NFS location, you need to have access to this network location and install AMTListen to access the recordings.

Certain domains have permission issues that give constant errors when trying to use AMTListen.
We advise against installing AMTListen on a pc that is on the domain

Please use AmtListen version or newer
Download is available:

  1. in the AMETHYST Webadmin from the 'Distributions' page or
    See forum post: How do I log into AMETHYST webadmin and supervisor?
  2. download and unrar:
    Password is 'datatex'.
    NOTE: to have access to the download, you need to be registered with and logged into the forum.


The recordings, database and all files are backed up.
The Amtlisten doesn't have the facility to view screen shots and do the reviews.
The database is archived every time as well to ensure that you can still search on the notes.


Insert the removable drive into a windows pc or find network location of archives. Make sure you can see the date folders. There is a folder for each day that had recordings. E.g. 28 April 2010 will have a folder F:\20100428\

    NOTE: You need at least the firebird dll to be in the same folder as the amtlisten.exe. If any issue you can install Firebird - take note if you have a 32 or 64 bit system and install the correct Firebird.

  • A Daily login and password is required. The username and password is accessible from the AMETHYST Webadmin.
    • Log into the Webadmin.
    • Click on the 'Get Daily Login' link: In AMETHYST 1.6: Home page under the 'Archiving' section.
    • Use this username and password to log into AMTLISTEN.EXE.
  • Choose the AMETHYST 1.5 option at the top of the screen(by default it is AMETHYST 1.4).

  • Configure the following:

      Root directory of the archived databases (exclusive paths) and
      the root location of the recordings.
      Code: Select all
      E.g. My drive contains a recording folder - F:\20100428,
      then the path I need to use is

      If your drive contains the data in - F:\Archive Data\20100428\,
      then your path will be
      F:\Archive Data\

      This will normally be the same location.

      Note: If you have for example an usb archive drive, you just select the drive letter E:\. AMTListen will then go to this location and list all the archived databases (date folders).

      Example of default AMTListen.ini:
      Code: Select all

      If you are using the Archive to network location with NFS, then AMTListen must run on the same PC where the archives is being written to or it will be slow, since it needs to copy the database to the local drives.
  • Once the next screen pops up click on the 'Show available databases' button. This will search all the date folders for available databases and list them in the grid below.

  • Select the correct archive and click on the 'Connect to database' button.

    Consider that the database you select contains all the information up to the date that you select. This includes all the calls that were live on that day that the archive took place.

    If you are unsure which date you are looking for, you can always selected a date a couple of weeks after the estimated date. E.g. you know the call took place in April 2010, you can select one of the databases in May 2010. This will contain all the recording information for that was live in May ( if you keep more than 30 live).

  • A search screen will be displayed where searches can be done. This search screen works the same as a normal Amethyst Supervisor search screen.
    Once you have searched for the recordings that you are looking for a list of recordings will appear and you can double click on the recording to open a details page and playback the recording.

Note: The login will only be valid for that day.


If you have a removable IDE drive connected to your Amethyst Server, we suggest shutting the server down (via AMETHYST Webadmin) before inserting or removing the drive from the Server. Ensure that the drive is inserted securely and lock before restarting the server (using power button). We suggest doing this outside recording hours.

NB: AMETHYST starts the archiving process each night at 21h00 (9pm) and the drive needs to be present/connected beforehand.
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Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

Re: Listening to an archived & purged recording in Amethyst

Postby Belinda Frick » Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:43 pm

Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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