AQM setup for Amethyst 1.5 on card solution

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AQM setup for Amethyst 1.5 on card solution

Postby Belinda Frick » Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:55 pm


To mark recordings made with the card solution for AQM, you need the client popup
for each agent that requires AQM.

The AMTClient program is available to AMETHYST 1.5 clients on request from



When a user is setup for a card solution, client popups can also be setup.
AmtClient.exe does the popups on the client pc. Run it from a central location.
Make a shortcut on each client pc to this location. It will create folders for each client
on the central location to increment the UDP ports.
ALSO SEE: How do I enable the AMTClient to Popup when starting a recording?

The AMTClient must be running from a central location. Reason being
that if the AMTClient starts up, it updates the Amethyst server with
all the details of where it is running from. If that software is
then closed, the Amethyst server will not be able to reply to it and
you can get the "UNKNOWN" error messages.

On a cardsolution if any screenshots are to be taken it is necessary that AMTclient
be installed on the client side. The INI should be edited to achieve this.

SCREENSHOTON=1 ; Enable Screenshot

These screenshots are taken and uploaded LIVE to the AMETHYST server to the 'Sweeper' folder.

The interval between screenshots can be set in the client INI file.
SNAPSHOTINTERVAL=(interval in seconds)
Configure the AQM flagging according to your recording solution:

Extension side recording:

To setup the frequency of the screen shots on AmtClient.exe,
you must configure the CBS and CNS fields on the Webadmin.
Login into the AMETHYST Administrator.
Select the 'Configure Card Server' link.
Click on the cardserver which is recording the extension to be
configured for an AQM sample.

The cardserver will detect if it is an analog or digital recording card.
For analog recording card: Click on the '+' next to 'Configure Analog slots'.
For the extension in question:
tick 'Enable'
select 'Ext' option.
For digital recording card: Click on the '+' next to 'Configure Digital slots'.
For the extension in question:
tick 'Enable'
select 'Vox' option.
Click on the '+' next to 'User Mapping' next to your channel:
Enter the 'Display Name'.
Enter the 'Windows login'.
This is the Windows user login of the PC where AMTClient is running on.
you have the CBS and CNS settings.
CBS - Calls between screen shots,
AmtClient will mark every X amount of calls for screen shots.
CNS - Calls to next screen shot,
this will increment with every call that did not take a screen shot.
When this counter is more than the CBS value,
AmtClient will mark the call for screen shots and reset the counter.
This value does not have to be changed, but can be changed to enforce
the marking of a call.

This is usefull when you just installed AMETHYST and want to do some test
calls before starting to mark calls for AQM. If CNS is set to for example
30, then after 30 calls it will use the CBS value to then start flagging
for AQM.

Please note: Minimum duration of call to be marked for AQM cannot be set
per extension, when using a card solution.
Click on 'Apply Changes'.
After clicking on 'Apply Changes', go back to 'User Mapping'. Run the AMTClient and check
that the 'Computer' name has been updated. This is the PC name where AMTClient is
currently running on. If the computer name is displayed it means that the user is 'registered'
on the Cardserver.
Trunk side recording:

You can do a 'Global' setting for all calls made by the card server in the Sweeper(you
cannot specify per individual extension, because the line represents various extensions):

Login into the AMETHYST Administrator.

Select the 'Configure Sweeper' link.
Enter calls to mark by entering the number 'frequency',
'Mark every x number of calls for AQM (0=disabled)'.
If '0' entered, then no calls will be marked for AQM.
Enter minimum duration of calls to mark for AQM, in the format 0:00:00, next to
'Minimum duration of marked calls (seconds)'.
If '0' entered, then duration will not be checked when marking for AQM.
To setup popups for agents on a line recording see,
Setup and configuration for CTI devices in Amethyst
It should be noted that Trunk Side Recording AQM marking runs parallel to the client side
marking. The 'Sweeper' marks all the calls it process according to the criteria set by the
Administrator. It will not however take preference over the client or extension side AQM
marking.It is a "and" option rather than a "or".
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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