Amethyst database upgrade program

All documents from the original Software Support Library (SSL)

Moderators: Leon van Heerden, Luanda_Junzi, Belinda Frick, Lee Hendricks

Amethyst database upgrade program

Postby Belinda Frick » Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:05 am

This program will be installed with Amethyst 1.1 and can be run from the
directory C:\Program Files\Datatex\Amethyst.
It is also available on our web site at

Please make a backup of the database before you run this program.
Make sure that Amethyst is closed before running this program.

Running and messages
When the program starts up, it first checks the default path of AMT.GDB
C:\Program files\Datatex\Amethyst\Data\Amt.gdb and will warn you if the
database was not found. You can click on the 'open folder' button to choose
a database in another location.

Click on the 'Upgrade' button to start the upgrade. There will be 2 confirmations
to make sure you want to continue. The upgrade may take some time to run,
depending on the speed of the server and the size of the database.

If the database is already up-to-date, you will get a message
The database has already been upgraded to the current version.
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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