Applications available for Amethyst in a Citrix environment

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Applications available for Amethyst in a Citrix environment

Postby Belinda Frick » Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:20 am

Please check this document for more up to date information.

Please note
1) You need version of the Amethyst Supervisor to access screen shots
from this system.
2) A shared directory is no longer required.

The applications that are available is:
1) AMTTERMSRV - This application is the "terminal server" for Amethyst. It's
main function is to act as multiple SLVR's to the system.
It takes care of all messages that would normally be handled
by the SLVR, including screen shots. All .dta files that contain
the call information received from TOPAZ, are FTP to the FTP
Server. The application manages all the routing
of information between all the various applications. This
application also manages the AQM requests to the users for
automatic screen shots to be taken by the AQMCLIENT.

2) AMTSMARTSRV - This application is the recording server. It's main function
is to control and manage the recording cards and to create
the .gsm sound files in the WORKPATH. It also updates
the AMTTERMSRV with device status information. e.g. Recording,
Standby etc. AMTSMARTSTRM Is the streaming version and
allows for online listening to conversations. DFM.EXE is
required to move the files to the FTP Server.

3) AMTFILEMAN - This application creates a compressed archive of all the files
related to a specific recording. Then either copied or FTP'd for
the Amethyst Sweeper to collect and import into the database.
It runs at one minute intervals and will only archive files
where the .gsm file's creation date is at least 60 seconds old.
This is to ensure that all the files are ready and available
for a specific recording before being archived. The search
directory is the WORKPATH. It could therefore take more
than two minutes for files to appear in the database after

4) AMTCLIENT - This is the client version of the software. Multiple
instances can be executed from a single server providing the
user login name is unique. Each instance will communicate to
the AMTTERMSRV via a separate TCPIP port. It uses a common
AMTCLIENT.INI with common settings and there is also
a <./users/USERNAME.INI> file with unique settings
for each user. There is also a <./logs/username.log>
file for each user. These log files can be deleted at any stage.
The main function of this program is to allow the user to capture
notes while a recording is in place. The screen can automatically
pop-up when the recording start. Wrap-up time is configurable
in seconds from 0 to any number of seconds. Wrap-up takes place
when the application is idle after a recording. It will not
time out if the user is busy entering text. It also takes
screen shots as requested by the AMTTERMSRV. All data
streams are FTP'd ditectly to the FTP Server.

DEFAULT CLOSING COMMENTS can be added in a file called
./comments.txt. These will be loaded on startup and is
available to the user by a selectable menu via a mouse right
click anywhere on the memo area of the application.
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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