Call timeout on a extension side solution on VOX mode

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Call timeout on a extension side solution on VOX mode

Postby John Richard Procter » Mon May 30, 2011 1:31 pm

For extension side recording with VOX, the start and stop of the
recording is handled by the events that the card gives off (noise
on stop or start) - no time-out.

You configure the extension as VOX on the cardserver. The default
values should work, but these are configurable if the trigger
levels are too sensitive.

SILENCE - This is the level at which the Cardserver software
will decide that there is silence.
ACTIVITY - This is the level at which the Cardserver software
will decide that there is currently voice on the channel.

This is a 'global' setting that takes effect for all extensions
configured as VOX on this cardserver and can be configure in the
amtcards.ini under the OPTIONS section, see extract below:

Please note: These values range from 0 to -60. They are measured
in db. The silence value has to be lower than the activity value.
The closer ACTIVITY is to zero the harder it is to trigger. Try
only ajusting about 3 to 6 decibels at a time.

For the Ericsson ELU25/28 the following is recommended.

For the settings to take effect you will need to stop and start the
amtcards service. Please note that no recordings will take place
during this time. Do not re-boot the cardserver, only re-start the
John Richard Procter
Posts: 552
Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 2:02 pm

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