AMTTAPILink & Mitel

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AMTTAPILink & Mitel

Postby John Richard Procter » Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:48 pm

AMTTAPILink & Mitel: AMTClient popup on outgoing calls [trunk recording solution]

Please note:

  • The MITEL TSP needs to be in automatic mode.
  • AMTAPILINK needs some way of identifying the extensions.
  • This can be configured in the MITEL webadmin by adding the
    agents extension number in round brackets () next to his name.
  • Example: Vernon Koekemoer (3692)




    Install AMTTAPILink

    1. Run the installation, it will install to C:\Program Files\Datatex\Amethyst\
    2. Because the 1.5 TAPILINK is a windows service, the service needs to be installed.

      TAPILINK service
    3. Open a command line window. (Start > Run > CMD)
    4. Go to the installation folder.
    5. Enter command : amttapilink.exe -INSTALL
    6. A message will pop up telling you that the service was installed.
    7. You can restart the server or go to the windows services and start the tapilink service.

      TAPILINK face program
    8. This program does not have to run for anything to work, it is only for display
      and configuration pursposes.

      The listen port right under the AMETHYST Server on the face program is the port on which
      the face program connects with the service running on windows. This has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE

    9. Open this application.

    • The first page/tab will display the extension statuses.
    • The second page/tab will display the settings.
    1. If you want all the extensions to send information to Amethyst, check the Send all checkbox.
    2. Enter the hostname or ip address of the Amethyst server.
      If no host or IP address is entered, it will broadcast to the AMETHYST server by default. It
      will always broadcast to the AMETHYST server unless another IP address is entered.
    3. Call Data:
      • If you want to send call data to SMDRLink, enter the:
      • ip address for "TOPAZ host" and
      • listen port for "TOPAZ port".
        This port number must match the "UDP Listen Port" in SMDRLink.
      • If you want to send call data to AMETHYST 1.5, enter the:
      • ip address for "AMETHYST server"
      • This would by default always be on port number 27005
    4. The Write Rawdata checkbox will write the call data to a file, like the PABX3 application does.
    5. The Write logs checkbox will tell the TAPILINK service to log all actions to the log file
      displayed on last page.
    6. The Trigger on options will start the recording process ether on:
      • connected,
      • ringing or
      • dailtone status changes.
    7. If you are using GetSet for destination information, enter the:
      • Local Code,
      • GetSet Host and
      • GetSet Port fields.
    8. Click on the Save changes button to apply the settings.

Note: When updateing settings via TAPILinkFace, things like server host,
listen port, unanswered, trigger, topaz host/port, getset host/port,
writelogs, local area code, whether to write raw data. You don't have
to restart for those. If you change extensions, you have to restart.

under the 'TRIGGER ON' section, select 'Ringing'.
John Richard Procter
Posts: 552
Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 2:02 pm

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