How do I shut down/restart the AMETHYST server?

All documents from the original Software Support Library (SSL)

Moderators: Leon van Heerden, Luanda_Junzi, Belinda Frick, Lee Hendricks

How do I shut down/restart the AMETHYST server?

Postby Belinda Frick » Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:51 am

  • Shutdown

    • AMETHYST Server:

      Shut the AMETHYST server down via Webadmin:

      Login into AMETHYST webadmin, https://[put your AMETHYST server IP here]:3080

      Select the 'Shutdown' icon(top left hand side of AMETHYST webadmin page).
      Confirm that you want to shutdown.

      NOTE that with the older AMETHYST servers: once the shutdown procedure is completed, use the power button to power the server down.

      Also see: Where is the power button on the AMETHYST server?

      To boot the box up again, you will need to press the power button.

      NOTE: Please schedule the shut down/restart outside recording hours. Depending on your recording solution, you may loose recordings or receive no call call details, which could cause recordings to be rejected due to licensing issues. If for example you use AMTMitelCRE and it runs on the AMETHYST server, your recorded phones will not work while shut down and restarting.

    • AMA TEL-TEL:

      • Login into AMETHYST webadmin, https://[put your AMETHYST server IP here]:3080

        If you use the Shutdown option from AMETHYST webadmin screen, it will shut the AMETHYST server down. To boot the box up again, you will need to press the power button.

      • You may also use the power button to shut the server down.

        NOTE: Only press the power button once, it will take about 5 minutes to shutdown. If you hold the power button in for 4 seconds, it will power down immediately without using any of the shutdown procedures - we suggest never doing this as it is the same affect as a power cut/spike or disconnecting the power cables.

        NOTE: Please schedule the shutdown outside recording hours as your phones will not work while the server is down. The MSL runs on the AMA TEL-TEL server. If shut down the recorded phone's conversation will be cut and you will not be able to make phone calls during the time of the shutdown until it is started up again.
  • How do I restart the server?

    If you want to shut the server down and let it restart automatically:

    AMETHYST Webadmin Home page, select 'Configure Network'. Do not change anything, just click on APPLY. This will restart the PC.

    NOTE: Please schedule the restart outside recording hours as your phones will not work while the restart is taking place. The MSL runs on the AMA TEL-TEL server. If restarted the recorded phone's conversation will be cut and you will not be able to make phone calls during the time of the shutdown/restart. After restart, please make a test call and play it back from AMETHYST Supervisor.
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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