In the AmtMitelCre:
The RX refers to the RTP stream that the phone receives.
The TX refers to the RTP stream that the phone transmits.
- Stream Missing on A101202-00011F. Using available stream. [Reason: Possibly Holding Call]
- This message will be generated when the CRE tried to process the RTP streams into a recording and there is only one of the two streams available. This can happen when a call is placed on hold. There will only be an audio stream for the one side of the call, since the other side is on hold.
- This can also occur if one of the stream doesn't get to the SRC. Routing on the network or incorrect configuration will cause this.
- TX and RX Files empty or not existing
This error states that the TX and the RX stream had no packets. this happens when there is no audio. This can happen if there is incorrect routing or the call is hung up before audio is sent through. - Discarding - A101202-000EDA. Call duration less than 2 seconds.
This indicates that the recording was discarded because it was shorter than 2 seconds. - Jitter buffer overflow:
- Code: Select all
[2011-12-06 08:10:51.256] Version [] Jitter buffer overflow in LoadRTPWriteToPCM for /opt/datatex/amtmitelcre/work/A111206-000039_tx.rtp at RTP SN 3
We will generate this log entry if missing packets was received. If you listen to the recording there will be gaps in the sound playback, because of the missing packets. You can look at the call details before you play the recording to see the stats regarding the 'jitter buffer' - use AMETHYST Supervisor or newer.