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VoIPRecorder / SIPRecorder usernames

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:55 pm
by Belinda Frick
VoIPRecorder / SIPRecorder usernames

Applies to:

Since the VoIPRecorder and SIPRecorder were sometimes getting blank usernames on events, when it was the last event, it would clear the username for an extension and Amethyst would have some recordings with a username for an extension, and other recordings for the same extension not having a username. This required that Amethyst fill in the usernames using the CTI device list or virtual user table, and that this be maintained along with the PABX / phone usernames.

Newer versions now remember the extension/username link when it is given in events. This is saved into the INI file at midnight and on shutdown. When a recording completes, the username is "looked up" using the extension.

This method requires that blank usernames given in an event cannot overwrite an existing username, since some events don't give the username.

When the username for an extension is no longer valid or an extension is no longer in use, the recommendation is that instead of using blank usernames, change the username for the extension to something like "Spare phone" or "Extension 1234". This way, when a recording does take place, the new username will overwrite the old one, and access to recordings for this extension can still be done on Amethyst.