Call details are received from:
ALSO SEE: How do I see my SMDRLink call data?
SMDRLink will use:
the network name of the extension as the user (Windows login)
and the exchange as the destination.
ALSO SEE: I get "garbage" in VT100 in PABX3 or no data.
TOPAZ will use:
the user name of the extension (DATA -> EXTENSION) as the user name
and the exchange as the destination.
In TOPAZ -> DATA -> NUMBERS Enter the description you
want to display in the Destination column.
If there are no PERSON / COMPANY / GROUP associated
with the NUMBER, then TOPAZ displays the closest
telephone exchange as the Destination.
Therefore if there are no PERSON names linked to the phone
number, TOPAZ will check in the COMPANY field for the description.
If there is no value for the company name, the GROUP field is
checked. Then lastly if no GROUP the Exchange Description
will be used.
Linking call details to recordings:
Recordings made with the USBClient:
If recordings are made with the USBClient, you need
to configure the extension to tie up the call details received
from either TOPAZ or SMDRLink. Make sure in the ini file that
it is the extension connected to the PC that the USBClient is
installed on.
Options to setup extension in USBClient:
Default file path: C:\Program Files\Datatex\USBClient
or with the AMETHYST 1.5 Administrator:
Login as Administrator
Select "Configure agents".
Go to the agent you need to setup, select "Properties",
and enter the extension number.
Recording details:
Time of call: AMETHYST will use the SMDRLink/TOPAZ call time.
If the call data has no time attached, the PC time of the recording will be
Recordings made with the Card Server:
PABX3 and TOPAZ(Windows based) or
SMDRLink(Linux or Windows based) or
SMDRLink (Linux or Windows based) sending data to AMETHYST 1.5 and also to PABX3 for TOPAZ.
ALSO SEE: How to install Amethyst card solution 1.5
Line Recordings:
Extension Recordings: