The serving of images and the searching of recordings are all threaded in this version
of the supervisor.
AQM report that displays a weekly breakdown for all reviews done by a supervisor per agent.
This report is available from the reports drop down list. Select a supervisor and a template
for this report.
There are 3 different quick link searches added to the Amethyst supervisor.
These will display links for each day of the previous week. Only the date field will be updated,
so the other fields can be changed to narrow the search.
The date field will be updated with large date Yesterday, This Week, Last Week,
This Month, Last Month, This Year, Last Year. Only the date field will be updated, so the other
fields can be changed to narrow the search.
You can define your own criteria for everyday searches. Click on the ADD QUICK SEARCH button.
This will add a new line of fields. There will be a field entry for every searchable field in the
supervisor search screen. The first entry is the name of the link. The date selection is done with
a dropdown list. This will contain the same entries as in the Large Searches. To delete a pre-
defined search, click on the delete button at the end of the line.
There is a back link above the AQM template that will disregard the AQM review and return to the
recording details screen.
When a category is created or renamed, there are 3 types to choose from. A positive category will
be the same as before. A negative category will have a total for the category and each question will
deduct marks. A total fail category will list questions that will fail the entire review.