- If more than one PC on the network has the same IP address, you can get the 'Cannot display page error'. Ping is not a valid test for this issue. Please change the duplicate IP addresses.
See forum post - Sometimes I cannot log into AMETHYST webadmin or supervisor - Supervisor
- If you cannot open the Supervisor, please try opening the AMETHYST Webadmin. Click on the 'Server Settings' icon. If you can view the link 'Start Supervisor', then you need to click on it to start the Supervisor. Then you need to view the Supervisor logs to see why it was not running. Click on the 'AMETHYST home page' icon, then the 'View Logs' icon.
- Alternatively, if you can view the link 'Stop Supervisor', then the supervisor is running.
- If you cannot open the Supervisor, please try opening the AMETHYST Webadmin. Click on the 'Server Settings' icon. If you can view the link 'Start Supervisor', then you need to click on it to start the Supervisor. Then you need to view the Supervisor logs to see why it was not running. Click on the 'AMETHYST home page' icon, then the 'View Logs' icon.
- Webadmin
If you could not open the AMETHYST webadmin, see suggestions below.
Use the AMETHYST IP addess to open the page. If the DNS is not setup, you cannot use the server name for the ping or to display the webadmin/supervisor page.
AMETHYST is setup to e-mail the 'critical errors' to the administrator (this e-mail address is configured by the service partner). Please check this e-mail address for errors.
AMETHYST can also be configured to send a SMS for critical errors.
ALSO SEE: Critical SMS facility in Amethyst 1.5
However if the server is not accessable on the network, then you will not receive any notifications.
The connection to open the page is made via the network from your PC to the AMETHYST server:
Check if you can ping the AMETHYST server and that there are no 'breaks' in the ping. This will point to network problems.- How to ping a IP address,hostname
If you cannot ping it, either you do not have network access from that PC to the AMETHYST server or their can be a problem with the AMETHYST server.
You can use the 'tracert' in stead of ping to see at which point the ping fails.
Make sure that the AMETHYST server is allowed by the proxy of each PC you are trying to access it from.
ALSO SEE: Problems accessing AMETHYST web interface
If the AMETHYST server is not functioning correct, the webadmin will not be running, and therefore no connection possible.
Components of the AMETHYST server carries a warrenty, therefore you may not replace or fix them. Contact your service partner to determine if the server needs to be returned to Datatex. The proper documentation needs to accompany all returns.
Under investigation!