AMETHYST uses a lot of ports to communicate with the different aspects of its inner workings.
This document will briefly explain the most commonly used ports and how they fit in together.
These ports are the default ports used in an AMETHYST installation. Some of them can be configured
later in AMETHYST.
SMDRlink uses port:
27000 to send data to AMETHYST.
25001 to listen to PABX3
27998 UDP listen port.
connects to AMETHYST on port 27002
connects to SUPERVISOR 'Active Listening' on port 3085
(can be changed in INI and 'Active Listening')
sends recordings on port 21
GETSET uses port 9999
WEB the browser connects to the :
SUPERVISOR on port 80
ADMINISTRATOR on port 3080
SMDRLink on port 3081
GETSET on port 5080